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CFX Cable Fox - ADCP Towing System for Cableways
The Cable Fox Model (CFX) is KISTERS latest towing system for manual measurement of stream flow with an ADCP or surface velocity radar device.…
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FFX - Flying Fox Mobile Towing System
The Flying Fox is a portable towing and positioning system with built-in electric motor and remote control. It moves remote-controlled over a…
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RQ-30+ Non-Contact Discharge Radar
The RQ-30+ is a sensor for continuous discharge measurement of rivers, open channels and canals with known cross-section profile. The sensor…
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RG-30+C Combined Velocity and Level radar sensor
The exact and real time knowledge of water discharge is of central importance in the fields of hydrography, water storage management,…
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RQ-30d Discharge Radar Sensor
Discharge measurement for wide rivers with inhomogeneous distribution of flow velocity With the system of one master-radar sensor and several…
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Hornet PLUS Cableway Systems
KISTERS’ cableway system Hornet Plus has been developed to perform stream discharge measurements from fixed cableways.The Hornet Plus uses an…
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Barossa Winch - Manual Double Drum Winch
KISTERS’ Barossa winch is a hand-operated double drum winch capable of handling gauging weights up to 70 kg (154 lb). The design shows two main…
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Riverina Winch - Manual Double Drum Winch
KISTERS’ double drum traveller DDT1000 Riverina Winch is a hand-operated double drum winch capable of handling gauging weights up to 110 kg…
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RQ-30 ADMS - All in One Autonomous Discharge Radar System
Fully Loaded, Non-Contact Discharge Measurement Radar Sensor with integrated data logger and GPRS/GSM communication. The RQ-30 ADMS allows a…
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RP 30 Non-Contact Portable Velocity Radar
Mobile, contact free measurement of surface velocity profile on rivers especially under flood conditions. The RP-30 Radar Profiler, a mobile…
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Tracer System TQ-S
Mobile discharge measurement system for turbulent rivers with unknown cross-section profile - Salt TracerThe discharge measurement is…
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Tracer System TQ-F
Mobile discharge measurement system for turbulent rivers with unknow cross-section profile - fluorescence TracerThe discharge measurement is…
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Tracer System TQ-COMMANDER V2
Software for mobile discharge measurement using - salt tracer or fluorescence tracerThe new software for SOMMER TQ-Tracers. TQ-COMMANDER 2.0…
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SQ-R Discharge Measurement System
The SQ-R sensor is a continuous measurement device for the contact-free determination of the water discharge of open or closed canals. It…
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HSR-10 - Portable non-contact radar sensor
The HSR-10 is a portable, handheld non-contact radar sensor designed for accurate and efficient flow velocity measurements in open rivers and…
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RG-30a Non-Contact Surface Velocity Sensor
The RG-30a flow velocity sensor is designed for non-contact measurement of the surface flow velocity of bodies of water. Radar signals…
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Stream Gauging Winches (Models WS250, WS400 and WS500)
KISTERS’ stream gauging winches are hand operated single drum winches capable of deploying sediment samplers or mechanical current meters with…
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TB1L & TB/0.5L Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge
KISTERS’ single tipping bucket flow gauges TB0.5L and TB1L are used for measuring water seepage coming out of a pipe or a drain. In both models…
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TB0.5L/70 & TB1L/70 Dual Tipping Bucket Flow Gauge
KISTERS’ dual tipping bucket flow gauge TBL-70 is used for measuring water seepage coming out of a pipe or a drain. The unit is equipped with…
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Water Flow
ADCP towing systems
Non-Contact Discharge Radar
Stream Gauging Winches
TQ Tracer Systems
Tipping Bucket Flow Gauges