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Our Line of Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges
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HyQuest Solutions America offers various models of high‐quality tipping bucket rain gauges for measuring rainfall and precipitation in urban…
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TB3 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
KISTERS TB3 is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall and precipitation in urban and rural locations. Due to the…
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TB4 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
KISTERS’ TB4 Series II is a high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall in urban and rural locations. Due to the integrated…
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TB7 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
TB7 is a new generation high-quality tipping bucket rain gauge for measuring rainfall and precipitation in remote and unattended locations when…
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KISTERS RainTrak is a proven product line offering a fully autonomous and integrated All-In-One Rain Gauging and Reporting Station. The…
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HailSens IoT - Hail Monitoring System
HailSens IoT is an advanced sensor for monitoring hail events in real-time. The detection of hail impacts (as opposed to other types of icy or…
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PreciBal - Weighing Rain Gauge
KISTERS’ PreciBal is an innovative high-quality precipitation gauge using the weighing principle for measuring liquid, solid and mixed…
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RainBal - Weighing Principle Self-Emptying Rain Gauge
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KISTERS' RainBal is a rain gauge that combines the highly accurate weighing principle with a self-emptying bucket mechanism. Equipped with a…
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TB305 Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
The KISTERS Tipping Bucket Rain gauge Model TB305 is recognised as the world standard for measuring rainfall and precipitation in remote and…
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HailSens forecast & real-time hail monitoring
KISTERS pairs extensive hailstorm forecasts and nowcast data with next generation hail sensors to mitigate hail damage as well as monitor hail…
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TB3H Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges
KISTERS’ tipping bucket heater TB3H is a thermostatically controlled heating element, that raises the temperature of the interior of the rain…
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TB3H-LP Low-Power Heater for Tipping Bucket Rain Gauges
KISTERS’ tipping bucket heater TB3H-LP is a low-power heating element, that raises the temperature of the interior of the rain gauge, funnel…
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FCD Portable Field Calibration Device
KISTERS’ Field Calibration Device FCD checks rain gauges in the field for accuracy. The portable lightweight device effectively enables field…
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TB340A Lab Tipping Bucket Calibration Rig & Test Bench
KISTERS’ TB340A is a fully automated laboratory calibration and test bench for a wide selection of tipping bucket rain gauges differing in…
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USH-9 Snow Depth Sensor
Accurate Snow Depth Measurement with Ultrasonic TechnologyThe USH-9 ultrasonic sensor offers precise, continuous, and non-contact snow depth…
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LSH-10 Laser Snow Depth Sensor
Accurate Snow Depth Measurement with Advanced Laser TechnologyThe SOMMER LSH-10 laser-based snow depth sensor delivers unmatched precision in…
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SSG-2 - Fluidless Snow Pillow for Ground Applications
The SSG-2 Fluidless Snow Pillow (Snow Scale) is a precision Snow Water Equivalent measuring device which is developed for quick and easy…
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SMA-2 Snow Melt Analyzer
The Snow Melt Analyser (SMA) constitutes the ideal measuring solution for the analysis of snowmelt. With its help, melting processes in the…
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SND Snow Drift Sensor
The SND sensor is an ultra-robust instrument for measuring solid particle flux intensities and wind speeds. It is a low-power, maintenance-free…
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SPA-2 Snow Pack Analyzer
Determination of snowpack-properties can be very challenging as they vary significantly in space and time. The SPA-2 snow pack analyzer…
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IDS 20 – Ice Detection Sensor for Measurement of Icing, Freezing Rain and Ice Thickness
The Ice Detection Sensor IDS-20, in the shape of a cube or rods, is used for the reliable and precise measurement of icing in aviation, wind…
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Precipitation - Rain
Precipitation - Snow
Measuring Stations
Precipitation - Hail
Snow & Ice Measurement
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