SMA-2 Snow Melt Analyzer

The Snow Melt Analyser (SMA) constitutes the ideal measuring solution for the analysis of snowmelt. With its help, melting processes in the snow can be detected and the water run-off can be ascertained and used for flood forecasts or for water management.

More information

SMA-2- System to predict the snowmelt


0,1 %

Dimensions (mm)

aluminium frame: 3.000 x 600

switch cabinet: 70 x 100 x 55


IP 65

Power supply

10,5 ... 15 VDC

Power consumption

operating mode: max. 50 mA (for 5 sec.) / stand-by: < 2 mA

Operating temperature

-35° ... 80° C


SDI-12, RS-485, RS-485 MODBUS


Parameters measured

  1. Liquid water content
  2. Ice content
  3. Air content

SSG-2 - System to measure snow water equivalent



Measurement range

0 ...200 mm SWE (only SSG)

0 ...500 mm SWE (only SSG)

01.000 mm SWE (SSG and SSG-2)

02.000 mm SWE (SSG and SSG-2)

03.000 mm SWE (SSG and SSG-2)


0.1 kg/m² 0.1 mm SWE *


0.3 % (FS) *

Measuring surface

6.72 m²

Total weight SSG

110 kg


Dimensions SSG (mm)

L = 2800

W = 2400

H = 70


IP 68

Power supply

10 ... 30 VDC

Power consumption

max. 70 mA

Operating temperature

-40 ... 80°C

Max. inclination




SSG 200 4 - 20 mA 0 ... 200 mm SWE

SSG 500 4 - 20 mA 0 ... 500 mm SWE

SSG and SSG-2 1.000 4 - 20 mA 01.000 mm SWE

SSG and SSG-2 2.000 4 - 20 mA 02.000 mm SWE

SSG and SSG-2 3.000 4 - 20 mA 03.000 mm SWE


Connecting box with lightning protection

The Snow Melt Analyser (SMA) constitutes the ideal measuring solution for the analysis of snowmelt. With its help, melting processes in the snow can be detected and the water run-off can be ascertained and used for flood forecasts or for water management.

Features & Advantages

  • Forecasting of the water run-off during snowmelt
  • Recording of the snow parameters snow water equivalent (SWE), snow density, liquid water content and ice content
  • Early recognition of an increase in the liquid water content in the snow pack
  • Simple installation and configuration, no calibration necessary
  • Low energy consumption, solar-powered operation is possible