Welcome to the KISTERS HydroMet Product Catalog

We manufacture, sell and install a wide range of quality instrumentation, water and weather sensors, data loggers and IoT technology. With over 60 years in this field, our products are designed with quality, accuracy and robustness in mind – so you can spend less time worrying about gathering data and more time working on solving the problem.

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HyQuant L - Water Level Radar Sensor.

HyQuant L, KISTERS’ state-of-the-art non-contact water level radar sensor, operates on a 60 GHz V-Band FMCW* radar technology.

HailSens IoT - Hail Monitoring System

HailSens IoT is an advanced sensor for monitoring hail events in real-time. The detection of hail impacts (as opposed to other types of icy or watery precipitation) relies on kinetic impact measurement.


TB3 - Top of the range tipping bucket rain gauge

The KISTERS TB3 is a highly accurate tipping bucket rain gauge for demanding monitoring applications in meteorology, research and hydrology.

The cloud-based hub for smarter environmental data.

KISTERS datasphere converges all environmental timeseries into one cloud platform. Visualize, analyze & act on real-time data from any source to drive smarter, informed decisions.

USH-9 Snow Depth Sensor

Accurate Snow Depth Measurement with Ultrasonic Technology. The USH-9 ultrasonic sensor offers precise, continuous, and non-contact snow depth measurement.